Presentations & Publications

Research Interests:

My main areas of research interest are in bariatric surgery: (i) basic science in particular the changes in gut peptides post surgery, (ii) from a clinical perspective in investigating outcomes and complications of bariatric surgery and (iii) novel techniques for weight loss including bariatric endoscopy and embolisation. I engaged in a PhD degree at Imperial College London investigating these further.

My Bachelor of Science research concentrated on the role of heat stress and ischaemic preconditioning in myocardial protection


Coe D, Ahmed AR
The Hyperstethoscope Syndrome. Lancet 1995: 345 (8959) 1250

Ahmed AR, Taylor I
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome.
Postgrad Med J 1997: 73 (866) 776 – 778

Ahmed AR, Taylor I
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome in Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Gastroenterology Today 1997: 7 (3) 62 – 63

Ahmed AR, Marchbank A.J, Nicholson A.G, Wotherspoon A.C, Ladas G.P. Extramedullary Plasmacytoma Presenting with Myasthenia Gravis and Mediastinal Mass. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000 Oct;70(4):1390-2.

Barker SGE, Cooper DG, Ahmed AR, Agu O, Challoner EJ, Hollingsworth SJ The ‘Wound Boot’: A preliminary assessment of a novel device for the management of leg ulcers. Phlebology 2001; 16: 73-75

Ahmed AR, Keshtgar M.R.S, Baum M.
Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt and Breast Carcinoma
Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2001; 83:281-282

Ahmed AR, Bariatric Surgery (Review: selected internet viewings).
Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2005; 87:392-393

Ahmed AR, Sharma A, Wellwood J.
An unusual abdominal wall hernia.
Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2005. DOI: 10.1308/147870805X50735

Ahmed AR,
Catheterisation in a large inguinoscrotal hernia.

Ahmed AR, O’Malley W
Internal hernia with roux loop obstruction during pregnancy after gastric bypass surgery. Obesity Surgery 2006; 16: 1246-1248

Ahmed AR, O’Malley W Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in a Patient with Situs Inversus. Obesity Surgery 2006; 16: 1392-1394

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, O’Malley W, Johnson J, Boss T Cholecystectomy during laparoscopic gastric bypass has no effect on duration of hospital stay. Obesity Surgery 2007; 17: 1075-1079

Ahmed AR, Husain S, Saad N, Patel NC, Waldman DL, O’Malley W
Accessing the common bile duct after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Surgery for Obesity And Related Diseases 2007; 3: 640-643

Husain S, Ahmed AR, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W
Small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass: etiology, diagnosis and management.
Arch Surg. 2007;142:988-993

Husain S, Ahmed AR, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W
CT scan diagnosis of bleeding peptic ulcer after gastric bypass.
Obesity Surgery 2007 Nov;17(11):1520-2.

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, Husain S, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W
Trends in internal hernia incidence after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. Obesity Surgery 2007 Dec;17(12):1563-6

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, Husain S, Johnson J, O’Malley W, Boss T
Bioabsorbable glycolide copolymer staple-line reinforcement decreases internal hernia rate after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. Obesity Surgery 2008 Jul; 18 (7): 797-802

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, Messing S, Husain S, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W. Roux
Limb obstruction secondary to constriction at transverse mesocolon rent after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass.
SOARD 2009 Mar; 5(2):194

Ahmed AR, Sharma A, Wellwood J.
Necrotising fasciitis following laparoscopic appendicectomy
Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2008 DOI: 10.1308/147870808X302994

Hutchinson R, Ahmed AR, Menzies D.
A case of intramural oesophageal dissection secondary to nasogastric tube insertion.
Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2008 DOI: 10.1308/147870808X303128

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, Coniglio D, Xia Y, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and its Early Effect on Blood Pressure.
Obesity Surgery 2009 19(7): 845

Ahmed AR, Rickards G, Johnson J, Boss T, O’Malley W.
Radiological findings in symptomatic internal hernias after laparoscopic Roux- en-Y gastric bypass.
Obesity Surgery 2009 19(11): 1530

Wyles S, Ahmed AR
Technical tips and pearls in bariatric surgery.
Minerva Chirurgia 2009 64(3): 253-264

Bueter M, Ahmed AR, Ashrafian H, le Roux C
Bariatric surgery and hypertension.
SOARD 2009 5(5): 615-620

Hakky S, Thompson M, Ahmed AR
The provision of bariatric surgery in the uk – past, present and future considerations: the road to excellence. Bariatric Times 2009 (Sep): 1-2

Ahmed AR
Bariatric centre spotlight: Imperial Weight Centre
Bariatric Times 2009 (Sep): 20-21

Wyles S, Ahmed AR
Laparoscopic gastric bypass: A Training Model
Bariatric Times 2009 (Dec): 6(12):12-13

Presentations and Published Abstracts

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in mixed connective tissue disease –
A case presentation. The Royal Society of Medicine, London 19/3/98

Acute limb ischaemia post-endolumenal aortic aneurysm stenting.
North-East Thames Vascular Meeting, London 13/3/2000

Audit of Thromboprophylaxis Measures in a UK hospital.
International Laparoscopic Conference at the Saudi German Hospital (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 30/09/2005

Trends in internal hernia incidence after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

Roux limb obstruction secondary to constriction at transverse mesocolon rent after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

The effect of SeamguardTM on internal hernia incidence after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

A retrospective review of patient records to evaluate the impact of cholecystectomy during laparoscopic gastric bypass on duration of hospital stay and total operative time. SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

Laparoscopic assisted sigmoid colectomy for volvulus. SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

A prospective review of patient records to evaluate changes in blood pressure after laparoscopic gastric bypass. ASBS, San Diego 13-17/06/07

Necrotizing fasciitis following laparoscopic appendicectomy. EAES, Athens 04-07/07/07

Radiological findings in symptomatic internal hernias after laparoscopic Roux- en-Y gastric bypass. IFSO, Porto, 5-8/09/2007

Pneumatic dilation to diagnose hiatal stenosis after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. ALS, Newcastle, 21-23/11/2007

Endoscopic removal of eroded gastric band. ALS, Newcastle, 21-23/11/2007

Bioabsorbable glycolide copolymer staple-line reinforcement decreases internal hernia rate after laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass. IFSO-EC, Capri, 16-18/04/2008 and IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Pneumatic dilation to diagnose hiatal stenosis after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. EAES, Stockholm, 11-14/06/2008

Improvements in Mallampati airway classification and ASA classification after Roux-en-y gastric bypass. IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

An appraisal of abdominal procedures after gastric bypass. IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Gastric bypass and its effect on blood pressure. IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Video presentations

Percutaneous management of common bile duct pathology after roux-en-y gastric bypass.
SAGES, Las Vegas 18-22/04/07

Laparoscopic left-to-right nissen fundoplication. EAES, Athens 04-07/07/07

Laparoscopic management of internal hernias after RYGB. IFSO, Porto, 5-8/09/2007

Laparoscopic repair of recurrent diaphragmatic hernia. ASGBI, Bournemouth, 14-16/05/2008

Endoscopic removal of eroded gastric band. EAES, Stockholm, 11-14/06/2008 and IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in a Patient with Situs Inversus. EAES, Stockholm, 11-14/06/2008

Internal hernia with roux loop obstruction during pregnancy after gastric bypass. EAES, Stockholm, 11-14/06/2008 and IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Laparoscopic repair of perforated marginal ulcer and gastrogastric fistula after gastric bypass.
IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Laparoscopic management of bezoar after gastric bypass.
IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Laparoscopic management of leak after gastric bypass.
IFSO, Buenos Aires, 25-27/09/2008

Invited lectureships and live operating demonstrations
‘Bariatric surgery: techniques and complications’ – Association of Clinical Biochemists meeting,
London 8/4/2008

‘A weighty issue’ – Association of Clinical Pathologists meeting,
Prague 10/06/2008

‘Laparoscopic gastric banding’ – Imperial Monash Lap Band course,
London, 12/09/2008

‘Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy’ – The 1st Colchester Metabolic Surgery Symposium,
Essex, 14/10/2008

National And International Committees

The London Bariatric Surgery Collaborative

Allergan UK Surgical Advisory Board

The Wellcome Trust Technology Transfer Panel

The ASMBS International Development Committee

The SRC International Bariatric Surgery Centres of Excellence Review Committee

Prizes and Awards

Association of Upper GastroIntestinal Surgeons Scholarship

International Federation for the Surgery for Obesity (IFSO) Scholarship

Royal College of Surgeons Ethicon Travelling Scholarship

Distinction in Pathology (MBBS Examination)

Distinction in Clinical Pharmacology (MBBS Examination)

Geoffrey Chinnock Jones & James McIntosh
Prize in Pathology (MBBS Examination)

Zeneca Pharma, Hobbiger and Peter Flintan
Prize in Clinical Pharmacology

Aitchison Prize for Best Overall Performer
(MBBS Examination)

Sydney Long Prize in Surgery
Sir Thomas Lewis Prize in Cardiology

John Jepson Memorial Prize
Magrath Prize for Best Overall Performance (1st Clinical Year)

John Murray & Sir William Gowers
Prize in Clinical Pharmacology (1st Clinical Year)

Filliter, Kingston Fowler & Tuke
Prize in Pathology (1st Clinical Year)

Shanks Foundation Scholarship (Pharmacology BSc)

Jackson Lewis Scholarship (Pharmacology BSc)

Wellcome Foundation Scholarship (Pharmacology BSc)

Nuffield Foundation Bursary (Pharmacology BSc)

Certificate of Merit in Pharmacology (2nd Preclinical Year)

Certificate of Merit in Anatomy and Developmental Biology
(2nd Preclinical Year)

Certificate of Merit in Anatomy (1st Preclinical Year)

Drummond Prize in Biochemistry (1st Preclinical Year)

Teaching / Training – Member of Faculty

Advanced Bariatric Surgery, Imperial College London [Organiser]

Gastric Band Advanced Surgery and Follow up Training Course, Charing Cross Hospital [Co-organiser]

Treatments for Obesity in Females with Subfertility, Charing Cross Hospital

Surgery for Finals course – Member of faculty and joint course organiser, Old Church Hospital

Laparoscopic Skills Training Course, University of Rochester Medical Center, New York, USA

Basic Surgical Skills Course – Charing Cross Hospital

Laparosopic Surgery Core Skills – St. Mary’s Hospital

In addition, I proctor other consultant surgeons in laparoscopic bariatric surgery.


Dr. Ahmed is a fee assured provider and works with all the major insurance companies. In addition, competitive self pay packages are available on discussion.